Can an Online Influencer Help my Kid?

The Situation:

“My kid is graduating college and has found an online influencer who promises to teach them how to start a coaching business. This soon-to-be college graduate believes that this influencer is the real deal.

They don’t want me to give them any advice or talk them out of it. When I looked into it, I could not see any evidence of any coaching credentials; however, I don’t want to squash this new graduate’s dreams. What do I do?”


You are facing a choice between breaking his spirit and breaking his will. As a parent, your wisdom will become evident years from now, but currently, you risk crushing his spirit. You could ask thought provoking questions aimed at challenging his decision without directly mentioning the influencer.

Try this: start asking great questions that make your kid pause in doubt that he’s absolutely right. A professional coach should provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the coaching business, including the ramp-up time, budgeting, marketing, and how to handle failure.

Show genuine enthusiasm for their dream, but ask tough questions such as, “How long before it becomes financially profitable?” “How are others who have used this program doing?” “What coaching niche did they suggest you focus on?” “How do they advise you to handle networking?” You don’t need to ask all of these questions; just choose the ones you know will make this recent graduate think.

That may open the door to a discussion, so be ready with more than one alternative. If you can’t break their will and make them open to advice, what kind of coach will they be to others? I know it’s tough to consider, but running a business is tough, and they need to be prepared.

It’s crucial to remember that influencers amass followers through their relatability. Neuroscientists have unequivocally established that when we perceive someone as trustworthy or an authority, our brains release oxytocin – the bonding and trust hormone. This chemical reaction creates a profound emotional connection between the influencer and their followers. This is the secret sauce your kid is aspiring to emulate.

Another crucial consideration is the cost of the program. I have made the mistake of purchasing programs that did not provide much value, and I paid dearly for it. It’s essential that your kid pays for this program themselves, as it will teach them a valuable lesson. If they are emotionally invested in this influencer, they may be unwilling to consider a more traditional, “boring” program.

Additionally, having just finished school, they might be weary of studying, making this look more exciting and other programs seem less appealing. I firmly believe in allowing people to learn from their mistakes, gaining wisdom over time, and offering gentle guidance rather than harsh criticism.

Your adult child is finding their own way. If they are not open to your guidance now, choose to be there to support them when they fail.

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